Category: Travel Tips

Travel Tips

Self-guided treks in Torres del Paine

  If you are an experienced walker but don’t speak Spanish or you’ve only got a few weeks and don’t want to spend ages sorting out your trip and waiting in bus stops, a self-guided trek could be the right option for you. it’s possible to do a self-guided trek either on the Full Circuit or […]

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Reviews Travel Tips

Why booking in advance is the way to go

  We often receive enquiries from travellers who don’t feel that it’s necessary or cost effective to book their adventure holiday in advance. It’s easy to understand their logic, if you’re a confident person who is happy just to rock up and see what’s available and you’re not too bothered about having organised everything down […]

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Travel Tips

El Chalten – Swoop’s top tips

On my first visit to El Chalten in 1999 I was wowed by Mount FitzRoy and the other peaks and glaciers that lie within a few miles of the small town. In January 2011 I returned to the town that, in the Los Glaciares National Park of Argentina is the base for some of Patagonia’s […]

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Travel Tips

The kit checklist.

Struggling to think what the necessary items are to pack for your great adventure? Want to make sure you’ve covered all eventualities and are prepared for anything and everything that Patagonia has in store for you? Use our checklist below to help make sure you’ve got everything covered. 1. Luggage Do NOT bring a hard, […]

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Travel Tips

Travelling to Patagonia from the UK

Booking international flights to a place as vast as Patagonia can seem a bit daunting. However, it’s not as complicated as you’d think and it needn’t cause you a headache, especially if you plan your trip in advance and read our comprehensive guide: “Booking early could save you hundreds of pounds” Firstly, it’s definitely a […]

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