Tag: food

Epic Adventures Tierra del Fuego

Discovering the secret kitchen at the end of the world

There’s a common idea that a meal at the best restaurants should come with a side order of drama. Dinner served up from a theatrically pretentious menu perhaps, or from a red-faced celebrity chef shouting orders at his harassed crew. They certainly don’t come from a remote cabin that looks like a fisherman’s shack and […]

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Planning & Tips Travel Tips

Vegetarian and vegan travel in Patagonia

It’s something of a cliché to say that Patagonia is a destination for carnivores. If you think of Argentinian food, then the first thing you might have in mind is a big steak washed down with a glass of red wine. This is the land of the gaucho after all, where men on horseback have […]

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Things to do Travel Tips

Swoop’s Pick of Patagonian Restaurants

After many years working as a tour leader wining and dining clients night after night, Sally has had the chance of discovering, eating and thoroughly enjoying the very best that Patagonia has to offer. Below are just a few of her recommendations.

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