Tag: Torres_del_Paine

Hotels Reviews

Review of Hostal Amerindia – a cosy corner in Puerto Natales

Here you’ll find a short review of Hostel Amerindia in Puerto Natales. If you’d like more information about this hotel or would like to choose from over 30 hotels in Puerto Natales, visit our Hotels in Puerto Natales page. ‘Rustic’ and ‘cosy’ were the first words that sprung to my mind when I entered Hostel […]

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Things to do

Life after the W Circuit

A few of the people who contact Swoop have visited Patagonia before and are looking to go back and explore it further. After all, a region that spans 1,000 miles North to South and 1 million square kilometres, with landscapes ranging from glacial to volcanic, to rainforest and desert, probably deserves more than a fortnight […]

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Bill and Lynn’s Review of Swoop Travel’s service

  “We had decided to visit Patagonia and, in particular, the Torres del Paine National Park. Initially, we contacted a number of local operators in Chile and obtained quotations and ideas regarding an itinerary. However, this process only served to confuse us as there were variations in itineraries, prices, accommodations and transport operations. We came across […]

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Chance encounters in Patagonia

I’m working in a world that is so different from what I understood ‘business’ to mean when I started my career. Two recent experiences have confirmed in my mind that every chance encounter with someone new is an opportunity, but each requires a very genuine, open and human interaction, and the outcomes are typically unexpected. […]

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Lucy’s Video Review of Kayaking in Patagonia

For a chance to do a trip similar to Lucy’s check out the examples below: Colours of Tyndall – A 4 day kayak trip along the Serrano river, started out from Torres del Paine, and coming up close with the Tyndall and Serrano Glaciers. Tyndall Glacier & Blue Lake –  Over 4 days paddle to the Serrano fall […]

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Matty hikes the W Circuit in Torres del Paine.

Name: Matty Age: 37 Occupation: Academic Researcher What operator did you go with or did you organise it yourself? I organised the complete trip to Chile myself. However, I had a guide in Torres del Paine and he took care of all the arrangements in the park, such as places to sleep, food, etc. What […]

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