Georg Budenbender

United States Of America



Customer Rating On return from their adventure we ask customers: “On a scale of 0-10, with 10 being the highest, how likely is it that you would recommend Swoop to a friend or colleague?”

Georg Budenbender's Trip Date:

4th Nov - 26th Nov 2017

Overall, how was your trip?

The highlight was the traverse of the St. Lorenzo mountains with our guide Jimmy. It was epic climbing through thigh deep snow. The guides selected by Swoop without any exception were absolutely great and responsive to our particular wishes, again a great job.

In one sentence, what did you think of Patagonia? Did it live up to your expectations?

Absolutely great one of the few places not yet overrun with tourism. Alas, we do see changes brewing.

Would you visit again?


How was the service that Swoop provided?

We returned to Swoop for this trip because the first time around the staff was super responsive to our ideas and did it again. They planned and organized a wonderful trip, perfectly customized for us. We are already thinking of an other trip . What could you do better, unfortunately we can not offer any sugestions. On the last day you had organized to tours in Buenos Aires and we thought that was too much, wrong, both tours were very different and enjoyable.

How likely is it that you would recommend Swoop to a friend?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

10 out of 10

How was your experience in Aysen?

I am not going to say a lot, let's keep Aysen as it is - I know it's selfish - a wonderful area. Every one we dealt with or had contact with, guides, hotels, drivers, car rental were absolutely great. Sad to see the changes coming including the mountain bikes using the "back door" trail from Chile into Argentina and potential trashing the beautiful Argentinian hiking trail through the rain forest.

How was your experience in Buenos Aires?

Returned after 40 years and found a transformed city. The bike tour was great, the walking tour was also very enjoyable and the "Graffiti" tours not only interesting but so different and a great guide (like all the others) The Hotel BoBo was nice, the front desk staff not the brightest, e.g. only 2 blocks away - turn left at Don Julio was a thriving bar, café and restaurant scene, when we asked they had no idea and tried to steer us to Café Havana at the Plaza Italia. On the day of departure early steak dinners can be had at Lo de Jesus only a 10 minute walk away, delicious, great service and you will be the only person in the place at 19:00 hours

How was your experience in El Calafate and El Chalten?

El Chalten was great, the main trail to Fitzroy is totally overcrowded even early in the season. Never the less it is worth while on the second day we took a trail far less travelled with stunning views from a bit further away and just a few people on the trail. Transport, hotel great, restaurants you need to pick carefully, Walk Patagonia was very supportive and helpful.

How was your experience in Santiago and the surrounding area?

Just one night, the hotel Luciano K was good for the one night. Our room looked into an "airshaft" which I would find claustrophobic during a longer stay. The bus trip to Mendoza was a great experience, including the first class seats up front (unexpected).

How was your Vineyard experience?

Loved Mendoza, the vineyard tours need a little tweaking. e.g. we didn't need a driver AND a guide. Of course Christian spoiled us completely in Chile. Best vineyard was Mendel. Scenery is ok but Mendoza is a very large city with it's advantages and problems. We stayed in the Casa Glebinias in Chacras which was a charming quiet oasis, but ...... at least a 35 minute cab ride to down town Mendoza. You can't have every thing.

Do you have any tips or advice for other people planning a trip to Patagonia?

Communicate with your travel planner and tell them what you want/like/dislike and read the itinerary well before your departure and not on the plane going there.

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