Nic and Julie



Customer Rating On return from their adventure we ask customers: “On a scale of 0-10, with 10 being the highest, how likely is it that you would recommend Swoop to a friend or colleague?”

Nic and Julie's Trip Date:

29th Oct - 14th Nov 2016

Overall, how was your trip?

Incredible. Flawless. Personal. Our adventure was nothing less than a novel of memories. My highlight could never be just a moment, but rather a new lens of of beauty from the culture, the wilderness & the incredible people we met. The culture, deep with love and incredible care that you would not just see but feel the blessing Patagonia has to offer. The wilderness, the most dramatic scenery you can experience and the people, warm with compassion and incredible depth of care for their communities. If the face of God was reflected in the wild it would be Patagonia. It's said that true adventure starts when the plan ends and that was the truth of our trip. Of course planning such a detailed adventure you know in your head the risks you are taking but until your faced with the choices of change and the out of your hand shifts due to storms, the truth whether you love adventure or not comes to a refining moment. And though not all went to plan, all went more than perfect.

In one sentence, what did you think of Patagonia? Did it live up to your expectations?

Patagonia was all we expected and nothing like we could have imagined.

Would you visit again?


How was the service that Swoop provided?

If you are questioning whether or not to spend the extra time and resources to have SWOOP on your team, don't waste any more time. They are worth it and then some. From day one they listened to what we desired and engaged to help us refine and define just exactly we wished to receive from our adventure. They team helped us through every detail, from researching and purchasing gear to the play by play of every day. It was great. On our trip we hit a few itinerary changes due to weather and health and SWOOP was readily available to guide us through making the most out of our time. We can whole heartily say we had a better trip with our itinerary change than we could have expected and then we would imaged we would have with our original plan.

How likely is it that you would recommend Swoop to a friend?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

10 out of 10

How was your experience in El Calafate and El Chalten?

My highlight was our guide. I could say this about all portions of our trip. Our guide in El Chalten was nothing short of an incredible blessing. He made our El Chalten experience personal and perfect. Prior to this trip we were skeptics of travel agents and guides, thinking they are unnecessary and for those unwilling & unable to do it alone but after this trip, our opinion has greatly changed! Hiking around Fitzroy was a life long dream come true. Making it to Laguna De los Tres, jumping in the frigid waters and camping with the range in sight. Incredible! Getting to the summit of Madsen & rock climbing, bouldering and just doing life with our guide - amazing! Our hostel, wonderful and the staff was great! Our transports and logistics were on point and to be honest a think to laugh about as we felt like royalty as everyone would great us " Nic and Julie, right this way." They expected our arrival and ushered us along as others fumbled around. Oh.. how I could write a novel about our trip. And if I felt I could do our experience justice, I would. But it seems no photos nor words could do a sliver of justice to the incredible experience we had in Patagonia with SWOOP and our guides through every portion. Our hosts at every hostel and hotel and the amazing people we met along our way.

Do you have any tips or advice for other people planning a trip to Patagonia?

Hike, trekk, kayak.. do what every you are going to do at home. Get your ligaments in shape as well as your muscles. We trained but not correctly and I paid the price! Get good gear, it's totally worth it.

Anything else? Tell us anything you’d like to share that we forgot to ask! It’s ok to leave this empty too :-)

Http:// Thank you for everything! You literarily made our dreams come true and we feel so incredible blessed!

How was Kayaking the Baker River and travelling via the Quetru crossing from Aysen to El Chalten?

THE BEST! Our guides were impeccable. We told SWOOP we didn't want to do the tourist version of Patagonia and they nailed it. Our crew we kayaked with was incredible and the weather was an experience. Kayaking the Baker River is something I would never go to Patagonia and miss doing. It's an incredible experience! The logistics were great, planned out and flawless. The food was beyond our dreams! We could not have had a greater time on our kayak portion of the trip. I would suggest this trip to everyone! By far the part of our adventure that exceeded my expectations far beyond anything I could have imagined. Our crossing from Chile to Argentina was a part of our trip that I look at and just giggle. By that point I was unable to walk in my boots so the 13 miles were traveled in a soft canvas pair of approach shoes; Through the mud, snow and miles of woods. But some of my fondest moments. Taking a break in the sunshine as the snow slowing falls in a dusting that perfectly cools your tired body. The wildlife singing in rhythm to our hearts of solitude, adventure and the wild. An incredible memory etched into the fiber of who I am forever, a moment where you just lie on your back and breathe in the beauty of God's creation.

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