Valle Bader

The Bader Valley lies between the Cuernos and Las Torres, the dominant peaks of Torres del Paine National Park. The path up this valley is nothing like the main trails of the popular W Trek - it's more of a little track, and the park rangers don't let people head up here without a guide.

The route is challenging in parts and not always clear, but once you clear the Nirre trees you're rewarded with fantastic views of the beautiful Lago Nordenskjold. There is a small camp at the top and a makeshift hut used by the climbers. You can carry on from here to the base of Cuerno Norte and a glacial lagoon.

See our off-the-beaten track guide for more on the hidden valleys and passes of Torres del Paine.

Map of Valle Bader

Nearby landmarks

Trips that visit Valle Bader

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