Seno Última Esperanza (Last Hope Sound)

Seno Última Esperanza gets its name from Captain Juan de Ladrillero, who in 1557 went searching for the western entrance to the Strait of Magellan. After several weeks of searching, and in desperate need of food and water, he eventually found this fjord and was able to stock up on provisions in what is now Puerto Natales. Out of his joy at finding what he thought was the Strait, he named the fjord 'Seno Última Esperanza' or 'Sound of Last Hope'.

A fun way to explore this fjord is by catching the ferry from Glaciar Serrano, just on the border of Torres del Paine National Park, down the Serrano river. On its way back to Puerto Natales, the ferry stops at Estancia Perales for you to enjoy a delicious lamb asado, before you continue on for the 2-hour journey back to Puerto Natales harbour.

A handful of operators offer kayaking trips in the Seno Ultima Esperanza. This is a peaceful location where you can paddle up to a waterfall and camp out on the fjord's green banks.


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